Friday, 10 April 2015

The Editing Process

Editing the film is the putting together of the footage to create the overall film. This process was long and hard, especially with such rigid time constraints for the length of the film, but also a very fun activity - watching the whole film come together. 

As we had quite a few locations, for just a five minute short, and they were filmed at different times, I decided it was easier to edit each scene on its own Premiere Pro document to make it easier to edit the whole film together in the end. I used Premiere Pro because having access to it is great due to it being a state of the art piece of software, and therefore learning to use it is a great way of learning skills early on to progress in my further education of film. 

The first scene we filmed and therefore edited was the cafe scene. This had a nice range of shots following Franklin and Sam walking down to the cafe which was really fun to put together. It also didn't involve a lot of overlaying sound or transitions at this point. 

Secondly, the pond scene was edited as we filmed this on the same day as the cafe scene, and this was a very simple scene to edit, being just a short transition scene, showing use location and to help the narrative. The editing consisted of just placing the four different shots together and not really much other editing.
Our third shoot was on location at Bodmin Jail and thus we filmed all of the footage needed of this location at the same time due to it costing money for usage. In this, we filmed both scenes 5 and 6, and then edited each in a separate document, like before. This was a bit more difficult, due to the jumps cuts used in scene 5 with Anonymous appearing and disappearing which took a lot of editing to get this effect right. Scene 6 has lots of different sounds added on and overlayed footage which meant that editing this took a few more channels than the previous scenes.

The final scene in the film wasn't the last one we filmed, but it was after the jail scene because we needed the photographs from that shoot to construct the set for this scene. Editing this was probably the most difficult scene yet because the extreme close ups of Franklin's face when he says "I hear voices" was created to be a sort of dazed, dreamlike sequence which involved the repetition of sound and the layering of footage. I used dissolve transitions here to make this sequence look more confusing and visually interesting. 
The car scene was simple to edit as there were only two shots to use, and this would be edited further in the final edit as it will be mostly used as a voice over.

The final edit was a lot more difficult to edit because the combining of all of the scenes, with the addition of transitional shots, for example the establishing of the jail and the police station, as well as the addition of some sound effects, the score, the title, and the brand logo. I also had to edit the clips to cut out parts to make sure the time of the film was correct, as well as editing the colour of the final scene to ensure it looked like a conventional police interrogation scene, and finally I added in dissolves to make the shots flow into each other and the change in location smooth and not entirely straight cuts.

I created the brand logo and film title animations on AfterEffects - another state of the art Adobe program that would really enhance my skills upon knowing the basics, and this was predominantly an exploration through the effects that are available on the software that could make my fairly mundane logo and title look a lot more professional and interesting within the film. For the title I used the shatter effect to make the explosion of pieces, and I edited the settings to increase the number of pieces the words shattered into. for my brand logo I experimented with the entrance transitions, so that I could find the visually interesting way for each of the four components of the logo to enter the screen. In the end, I used effects including 3D Tumble, 2D Tumble, Slide and Stretch, and Spin. 

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