Sunday 1 February 2015

Poster and Double Page Spread Audience Research

Before starting the creation of my poster and double page spread, I created another survey so that I could make my ancillaries most appealing to the target audience. I put forth four questions, two relating to the colour palettes, and two relating to the images. 

Black and white were chosen the most, closely followed by blue, yellow, and orange, and therefore those are the five colours I will use to create my poster. The black of the costume of the main character could work here, against a blue and white background, and incorporating yellow and orange will be interesting.

Unanimously, black, white and red were the all chosen by everyone that took the survey, which is quite typical for horror review pages, therefore this will be simple to do, and using black as the background colour will work really well here. 

Three images deemed popular, which is a result I agree with, especially when having a large main image on one page. 

The final question was about the content of the image: who/what should it be of? The unanimous decision received if that the image should be of the protagonist of the film. This follows conventions well and will be an exciting way to use imagery to connote the psychological theme in the film. 

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