Sunday, 16 November 2014

Make Up and SFX

In our film we want to have some gore, so knowing how to create these believable wounds is essential. 

1. Fake Blood 

To make fake blood, we're going to mix red food colouring, blue food colouring, water, and golden syrup. This gives us a liquid of a good consistency that looks realistic. 

2. Black Eyes 

To make the black eye look, it's really about colour mixing until you end up with a purply brown coloured circle across your eye. For this we used eyeshadows and face paint of colours red, brown, purple, black, blue, and yellow. 

3. Hammer to the Eye 

To create the eye wound after being struck by a hammer, we're using cotton pads to cover the eye, liquid latex to cover it and stick is to the skin, toilet tissue to add texture, and fake blood to make it look recent and realistic. This overall wound is effective in looking realistic and believable. 

A tutorial for a missing eye shows the kind of look we're going for, and we're going to follow this, in the general sense, but experiment and do it our own way to make our make up unique and interesting. 

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